Just a reminder that online registration is now open and is required for ALL students returning to the District. Also, if you have indicated your preference is virtual instruction for your student, you will need to call central office at 417-678-3373 to schedule an appointment to complete the virtual instruction application. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, David Mais
Vaccine Clinic on 8/8/22 at 9am to 2pm at the Aurora HS Gym. Please attached flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Aurora R-VIII School District
Vaccine Clinic 8/8/22 9am to 2pm Aurora HS Gym
Online registration is now open for all students. These forms are required to be completed annually. You will be required to complete online registration and the Free/Reduced Meal Application form under the School Life tab on your parent portal. An email was sent out to all parents with the link to online registration. To be considered registered for the upcoming school year, BOTH Online registration and the Free/Reduce meal form must be completed. If you have any problems logging in to your parent portal, please contact office personnel where your child attends.
over 2 years ago, Billy Redus
Your input is needed! Please take a couple minutes to complete a brief parent engagement survey for each building in which you have students attend. Thank you in advance for your help! Aurora High School https://forms.gle/auL5SxR7m7DEMJZD6 Aurora Jr. High School https://forms.gle/iy6e1VrKW8Pam5Rx9 Robinson School https://forms.gle/MW9D1MsEGm77uqKJ7 Pate ECC https://forms.gle/F24j1RwrVhcMf3tp8
over 2 years ago, David Mais
The Aurora R-VIII School District is currently accepting applications for a full-time elementary special education teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. Knowledge of the special education process and providing specialized services for students are required. It would be beneficial for applicants to have certification in special education along with another core area. Aurora students attend school Monday-Thursday (4 days a week only). Benefits include a Board-paid health insurance stipend and paid sick/personal leave days. Salary dependent upon years of experience and level of education - salary schedule, personnel guide. Apply at www.aurorar8.org. ALL INTERESTED APPLICANTS MUST APPLY ONLINE ON THE AURORA R-VIII DISTRICT WEBSITE. Application packet should include a letter of application, 3 references, and a copy of certification/ transcripts. For additional information, please contact Dr. Brenda Lakin, Director of Special Education, at 417-678-7742 or by email at blakin@aurorar8.org.
over 2 years ago, David Mais
The Aurora R-VIII School District is currently accepting applications for a full-time, early childhood special education teacher for 2022-2023.This position will be at Pate. Knowledge of the special education process and providing services for students are required. It would be beneficial for applicants to have certification in early childhood education also. Aurora is a 4-day school week (Monday - Thursday). Benefits include a Board-paid health insurance stipend and paid sick/personal leave days. Salary depends upon years of experience and level of education - salary schedule, personnel guide. Apply at www.aurorar8.org. ALL INTERESTED APPLICANTS MUST APPLY ONLINE ON THE AURORA R-VIII DISTRICT WEBSITE. Position will be open until it is filled. Application packet should include a letter of application, 3 references, and a copy of certification/ transcripts. For additional information, please contact Dr. Brenda Lakin, Director of Special Education, at 417-678-7742 or by email at blakin@aurorar8.org.
over 2 years ago, David Mais
Just a reminder, summer school begins tomorrow, Tuesday, May 31. It is not too late for your child to attend. Please contact the building personnel where your child attends for more information.
over 2 years ago, Billy Redus
Aurora R-8 is seeking special education paraprofessionals to work with students at the elementary level. The applicant must have 60 college hours. A college degree or someone working towards a teaching degree is preferred. They must be willing to work with students with behavior delays as well as assist with academics or self-care. The person must be able to document well and be able to work with a variety of people. A complete application packet includes the district on-line application (www.aurorar8.org), 3 letters of reference, resume, and cover letter. Questions may be sent to Dr. Brenda Lakin, Director of Special Education. For more information you can e-mail blakin@aurorar8.org. Position will be posted until filled. Aurora does operate on a four-day school calendar (Monday-Thursday).
over 2 years ago, David Mais
Aurora Parents, It was a terrible incident that took place yesterday in Uvalde, Texas. Even though we are at the end of the regular school year, we asked all staff members to be vigilant in taking safety precautions every minute of every day. Specifically, we have asked each member to review safety processes that have been provided through training scenarios and to make sure each individual has a plan in place to ensure the safety of all students in their care. All front office staff has been directed to thoroughly screen visitors to the buildings and to call our school resource officers or local police department if something doesn’t seem right. While it is impossible to ensure 100% safety, the more prepared we can be, the better off we will be. As a District, we encourage parents and community members to be aware of their surroundings and to speak up if something “just doesn’t look right.” It is a shame we have to go over these precautions; however, the times we live in demand we all are more aware. Please know we appreciate the partnership with our community and take very seriously our job to protect the students and staff of the District. Feel free to reach out to Central Office if you have any questions or concerns. Educationally, David Mais
over 2 years ago, David Mais
The 2022 PreK-8th Grade Yearbooks are here! Yearbooks may be purchased at the building offices of Pate Early Childhood Center, Robinson School, or Aurora Junior High. The books are $20 each while supplies last. Pre-ordered yearbooks will be sent home with your child or may be picked up at the building office of your child’s school.
over 2 years ago, Billy Redus
Just a reminder that it's the 3rd Thursday of the month and that means our Houn` Dawg Clothing Closet will be open tonight from 4:30pm-6:00pm. If you have donations, wish to volunteer or need to shop, this would be a great time to do so!
almost 3 years ago, Billy Redus
Aurora Chamber of Commerce Business Expo today from 10 am to 1 pm at the High School. Free Easter Egg Scramble for kids in the gym at 12 noon. Come see us.
almost 3 years ago, Billy Redus
Aurora R-VIII students and staff will not be in school tomorrow, Monday, January 17, 2022 due to the recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Billy Redus
The enrollment period for virtual instruction during second semester begins Monday, November 29, 2021 and will close Thursday, December 16, 2021. If you are interested in your child participating in the virtual platform, you will need to schedule a time with staff at the Central Office to complete the virtual enrollment application. Please call 417-678-3373 to schedule your appointment today.
about 3 years ago, David Mais
Aurora R-8 is seeking a special education paraprofessional to work with students at the early childhood level (grades PK). The applicant must have 60 college hours. A college degree or someone working towards a teaching degree is preferred. They must also be willing to help with personal hygiene tasks, be able to lift/position a student, help de-escalate behaviors, assist with personal tasks as well as work with academics and self-care. The person must be able to document well and be able to work with a variety of people. A complete application packet includes the district on-line application (www.aurorar8.org), 3 letters of reference, resume, and cover letter. Questions may be sent to Dr. Brenda Lakin, Director of Special Education. For more information you can e-mail blakin@aurorar8.org. Position will be posted until filled.
over 3 years ago, David Mais
Houn Dawg Clothing Closet will be open on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 4pm-6pm in August through May behind Robinson School
over 3 years ago, Aurora R-VIII School District
Online registration is now open for all students. These are the yearly forms required to enroll in the Aurora R-VIII School District. The parent portal layout has changed from previous years. Directions to access the enrollment is below: 1. Go to https://sdm.sisk12.com/AU360x3/login 2. Enter your unique username (your email address) and password. If you have forgotten your password, select the "forgot password link" on the login page. 3. Do not submit forms if a student is missing from the portal. Contact your child's office for further instructions. Username: your email address Listed below are scheduled times and locations that you will have access to a computer to enroll your student(s). If you have questions, please contact your student’s school office. July 26 - High School Commons 12:00pm to 7:00pm July 27 - Pate Early Childhood Center 12:00pm to 7:00pm August 3 - Junior High Band Room 12:00pm to 7:00pm August 5 - Robinson North Cafeteria 12:00pm to 7:00pm
over 3 years ago, Aurora R-VIII School District
over 3 years ago, Aurora R-VIII School District
The Baseball district championship scheduled for May 20th will begin at 4:00.
almost 4 years ago, Scott Spooner
Attention next year's junior high football parents. There will be a football parent/coaches meeting Wednesday, May 12th. The meeting will be held at 6pm in the HS commons.
almost 4 years ago, Scott Spooner